1. To find an image on ImageVortex, enter one or more keywords separated with spaces to get a list of images that contain at least one keyword of those you entered. The more keywords from your list match an image, the higher this image is placed in the search results.
Example 1:
smiling woman
will first show all images having "smiling" and "woman" keywords, then those having either of these keywords.
2. You can use plus and minus chars to indicate that some keyword must or must not be present.
Example 2:
smiling +woman
will find images containing "woman", and "smiling" as optional keyword. Images having "smiling" will be ranked and listed higher.
Example 3:
smiling -woman
will find images NOT containing "woman", but containing "smiling".
You can combine both + and - in the same search.
Example 4:
smiling -woman +outside
will find images containing "smiling", NOT containing "woman" and show only those which contain "outside".
3. You can also search for phrases - just enclose the phrase into double quotes.
Example 5:
"smiling woman"
will only show images that contain "smiling woman" as a phrase.